Information about UEDA
- If you have a fever or other symptoms call by phone before going to the hospital.
- Ueda City Clinics that will be open on Sundays and Holidays 9am to 6pm
Clinics December [PDFファイル/187KB]
- Emergencies Call the ambulance 119 (one-one-nine)
Medical questionnaires for reference (20 languages)
(NPO International Community Hearty Konandai)
(Kanagawa International Association)
Search for Hospitals, Clinics in NAGANO
Nagano Iryou Joho Net<外部リンク>
How to change address by post mail
- Request form Japanese [PDFファイル/107KB]
How to request shotoku and nozei by post mail
- Request form English [PDFファイル/298KB]
Disaster Prevention
Earthquakes related to Ueda City
Earthquake, Flood and Sediment Disasters Preparednessd
Alert levels and actions to take
Emergency Kit, stockpile Items
Hazard Map 2021
- Five Levels of Alert [PDFファイル/5.13MB]
- List of objects to get ready in case of need. Check it [PDFファイル/4.95MB]
- Places of Shelter
The map of floodings and landslides eas diveded in 16 zones. Idenify the letter (zone) related to your address. From A to O [PDFファイル/5.87MB]
The map of Building Damage was diveded in 9 zones. Identify the letter (zone) related to your address. From A to I [PDFファイル/5.83MB]
Here you can access the map of fllooding and landslide from letters A to O and also the map of Building Damage from letters A to H.
COVID-19 vaccine free of charge stopped
- It was stopped on 2024, March 25.
https://www.nenkin.go.jp/international/japanese-system/index.html<外部リンク>(Japan Pension Service)
Education and Japanese Classes
Useful information about Japanese Elementary and Junior High Schools
- Guidebook for starting school Guidebook [PDFファイル/1.21MB]
- Summary One page information [PDFファイル/744KB](Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Technology)
- Japanese classes in Ueda for kids and adults. 2023 [PDFファイル/182KB]
For inquiries
Shiminmachizukurisuishin-bu Zinkenkyosei-ka
(Human Rights and Multicultural Division)
Address : 〒386-8601 Nagano-ken, Ueda-shi, Ote 1-11-16
Tel : 0268-75-2245
Fax : 0268-22-6023
E-mail : jinkenkyosei@city.ueda.nagano.jp